Coy Chamber 1 for Photobiocatalysis (PSBN 2624)
The Coy anaerobic chamber uses Pd catalysts to strip O2 with H2, producing H2O. It allows us to handle air-sensitive protein samples and set up biocatalytic reactions using air-sensitive enzymes.
Coy Chamber 2 for Metalloredox Biocatalysis (PSBN 2608)
This second Coy anaerobic chamber was purchased in 2023 for metalloenzyme projects.
Class II Biosafety Cabinet 1 (PSBN 2624)
We have two class II biosafety cabinets in our labs. These BSCs enable convenient and safe handling of various types of microorganisms.
Class II Biosafety Cabinet 2 (PSBN 2624)
This is the second BSC we have in our lab. This BSC is also located in PSBN 2624.
Glovebox 1 (PSBN 2608)
The N2 filled glovebox allows us to set up air- and moisture-sensitive reactions conveniently. This glovebox is also used to store air- and/or moisture sensitive reagents.
Glovebox 2 (Chem 2108)
Normal-Phase HPLC 1 (PSBN 2624)
We have a Shimadzu LC-2040C equipped with a photodiode array (PDA) detector as one of the key analytical workhorses. This HPLC is currently configured as a normal phase HPLC for chiral analysis. Chiral columns from Daicel Chiral Technologies, including IA, IB, IC, IG, IF, IH, OD-H and OJ-H, are commonly used for chiral analysis.
Reverse-Phase HPLC 1 (PSBN 2608)
Agilent HPLC Infinity 1200. This HPLC can only be used for reverse-phase HPLC analysis. Do not reconfigure it for normal-phase analysis.
Normal-Phase HPLC 2 (PSBN 2608)
Another Shimadzu HPLC equipped with a PDA detector, an autosampler, a column oven and binary pumps. This HPLC is currently configured as a normal phase HPLC.
Normal-Phase HPLC 3 (PSBN 2624)
This is the third Shimadzu HPLC we have for normal-phase HPLC analysis.
Reverse-Phase HPLC-MS (PSBN 2624)
This Shimadzu LCMS-2020 allows for the convenient analysis of aqueous samples and ionizable compounds (e.g., amino acids, nitrogen-containing compounds).
Reverse-Phase UPLC-MS (PSBN 2608)
This Shimadzu UPLC MS-2030 was recently acquired to allow for higher throughput analysis.
GC-MS (PSBN 2608)
This Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 is our primary workhorse for the analysis of both chemical and biocatalytic reactions. An in-house GC-MS allows us to rapidly analyze crude reaction mixtures and quantify the yield and conversion of chemical reactions.
GC (PSBN 2608)
We have a Shimadzu GC-2030 equipped with chiral GC columns. Chiral GC is routinely used in our laboratory for the high-throughput analysis of biocatalytic reactions.
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (PSBN 2624)
We have a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer. This UV-1800 is commonly used for the characterization of protein samples. In addition, many proteins bearing an organic or organometallic coenzyme display characteristic UV-Vis signals. The UV-Vis spectrophotometer permits both qualitative and quantitative analysis of protein samples of interest.
IR Spectrometer (PSBN 2608)
We have a Thermo IR spectrometer for IR data collection routinely required by organic chemistry journals. This IR spectrometer was generously donated to us by Prof. Lipshutz.
This polarimeter allows the measurement of specific rotations of chiral compounds. This polarimeter is co-purchased and shared between our lab and the Hai lab. Please use this polarimeter to measure the specific rotation of your enantioenriched compound if you make >= 10 mg of it.
AKTA Protein Purifier 1 (PSBN 2624)
We have an AKTA Start for automated protein purification. This simple AKTA models allows for affinity chromatography and ion exchange chromatography to be done efficiently.
AKTA Protein Purifier 2 (PSBN 2624)
In 2023, we purchased another AKTA Start to allow for simultaneous protein purification to be conveniently carried out in our group. Both AKTAs are housed in a Deli fridge at 4 C.
Biotage Isolera (PSBN 2608)
This Biotage Isolera allows for automated column chromatography on various scales.
Protein and DNA Gel Imager (PSBN 2608)
This Bio-Rad Gel Doc EZ Imager with its associated software allows us to analyze both protein and DNA gels quantitatively.
Thermocyclers (PSBN 2624)
We have three Bio-Rad T100 thermocyclers for molecular biology.
DNA Gel Station (PSBN 2624)
DNA agarose gel and protein SDS-PAGE gel analysis can be done conveniently in our lab.
Protein Gel Station (PSBN 2624)
DNA agarose gel and protein SDS-PAGE gel analysis can be done conveniently in our lab.
New Brunswick Innova 44R Shakers 1,2 and 3 (PSBN 2624)
We have three New Brunswick Innova 44R shakers to grow microorganisms and express proteins of interest.
New Brunswick Innova 44R Shakers 6 and 7 (Chem 2143)
Eppendorf 5910Ri Tabletop Centrifuge 1 (PSBN 2624)
We have two Eppendorf tabletop centrifuge (5910R and 5910Ri) equipped with a universal platform for cell culture work.
New Brunswick Innova 42R Shakers 4 and 5 (PSBN 2624)
We have two Innova 42R shakers to grow microorganisms and express proteins of interest.
Eppendorf 5910R Tabletop Centrifuge 2 (PSBN 2624)
We have two Eppendorf tabletop centrifuge (5910R and 5910Ri) equipped with a universal platform for cell culture work.
Eppendorf Microcentrifuge 5424R (PSBN 2624)
Eppendorf F570h ULT Freezer 1 (PSBN 2624)
This Eppendorf F570h ultra low temperature freezer is used to store microorganisms and protein samples.
Eppendorf Microcentrifuges 5425 and 5418 (PSBN 2624)
Thermo Scientific TSX-700 ULT Freezer 2 (PSBN 2624)
This second Thermo TSX-700 ultra low temperature freezer is purchased in 2023 for biological sample storage.
Lynx Superspeed Centrifuge 1 (PSBN 2624)
This Thermo Scientific Lynx superspeed centrifuge is routinely used in protein purification.
Sonicators (PSBN 2608)
We have 4 QSonica Q500 sonicators for cell lysis with various applications.
Milli-Q Water System and pHmeter (PSBN 2624)
Our Milli-Q water system allows doubly-deionized water to be prepared. pHmeter is routinely used to make buffers for biochemistry.
Kessil LED Lamps for Photobiocatalysis
Photoreactors for Photobiocatalysis
Lynx Superspeed Centrifuge 2 (PSBN 2608)
This Thermo Scientific Lynx superspeed centrifuge will be used for bacterial cell harvesting.
Lyophilizer (PSBN 2624)
This lyophilizer is used to freeze-dry protein samples, amino acids, and other hydrophilic compounds
NanoDrop UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
This NanoDrop is used for routine DNA and protein sample analysis.
ODmeter (PSBN 2624)
ODmeter is routinely used to measure the cell density in cell culture work.